About me

I am persuing my Ph.D. degree as part of Rubinet reserch group at University of California, Davis in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. My advisor is Prof. Chen-Nee Chuah and co-advisor is Prof. Michael Zhang.

I received my M.Sc degree in 2019 from Electrical Engineering Department at University of South Florida. My advisor was Dr. Yasin Yilmaz.

My research interests are in intelligent transportation systems, machine learning, anomaly detection, deep reinforcement learning, and differential privacy.


(10.2022) Our final piece of my MS thesis “RSU-Based Online Intrusion Detection and Mitigation for VANET” is accepted to Sensors

(09.2022) Our paper “Differentially Private Map-Matching for Mobility Trajectories” accepted to ACSAC’22

(08.2022) I honored to receive 2022 ITS California and California Transportation Foundation Scholarship Award.

(04.2022) I will be a Reinforcement Learning Intern at Aira-Technology

(09.2021) I successfully passed the PhD qualifying exam.